A Dental Abscess Can Pose a Serious Threat to Oral Health

May 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:05 pm

Your teeth extend deep into the socket structure of your gums. When untreated tooth decay penetrates the root of a tooth, the bacterial presence can invade deep into the gum structure. In time a serious infection can develop, including a pocket of infected tissues known as a dental abscess.

Common symptoms of a problem like this might include a toothache as well as pain and pressure in the gums. In a situation like this, you should not delay in seeking treatment at Lakeland Dental Care’s Jackson, Mississippi clinic.

With early diagnosis, our oral care specialists might be able to treat a minor abscess with antibiotics and a root canal. In a more severe situation, we might recommend extracting the tooth and excising the abscess to prevent the bacterial presence from crossing over to your blood stream.

Afterward, your dentist will likely prescribe a course of antibiotics and pain management medication to knock-out any lingering infection and help maintain your comfort, during recovery.

You can expect the incision site to bleed a little for a few days after the extraction. You can control the bleeding by lightly biting down on a rolled-up section of sterile gauze. Once the bleeding stops, you can lightly rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water.

It’s best to avoid chewing food on that side of your mouth. You also shouldn’t drink through a straw, as the suction could affect the incision or pull a blood clot loose. It’s also important to note that even occasional tobacco use can irritate healing gum tissues and increase your risk of infection

Once your gums have completely healed, we can help you understand your dental restoration options. In many cases, this calls for installing a dental implant and crown into the remaining void or fitting you for a piece of bridgework.

If you live in the Jackson, Mississippi area and you are suffering from a toothache or severely decayed tooth, you should not delay in calling 601-981-8166 to have it diagnosed and treated at Lakeland Dental Care’s clinic.

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